Ethics Policy

The22magazine is dedicated to the greatest standards of integrity, ethics, and openness. In everything we do, we work hard to uphold the confidence that readers and colleagues have in us. We understand the importance of trust. Our ethical policy outlines our guiding principles and protocols:

  1. Accuracy and Truthfulness: In every piece of content we create, we pledge to be genuine and truthful. Our writers and editors try their best to double-check information using reputable sources and fact-checking techniques before publishing. We promptly correct any errors and communicate them to our readers in an open and transparent manner.
  2. Originality and Plagiarism Policy: All content on The22magazine, unless otherwise noted, is specially produced by our staff. Since we take plagiarism seriously, we take care to properly acknowledge any outside sources we use for our publications.
  3. Policy on Corrections: If you discover any mistakes or inaccurate information within our website. Kindly email us at We thoroughly investigate any complaint of inaccuracy to make sure that our content is dependable and trustworthy.
  • Rectifying Minor Errors: We quickly correct minor errors in the content of our publications. In addition, a succinct explanation describing the kind of error and the date it was fixed is provided at the end of the article.
  • Addressing Significant Errors: We may insert an editor’s note at the beginning pointing out the correction if there are major errors that impact the article’s meaning.
  • In Extreme Cases: In the extremely unusual event that an article contains serious errors or is deceptive, we reserve the right to remove it entirely. A notice explaining the removal of the article will take its place.

Any updated data will be clearly shown along with a notes indicating the date of modification, such as “Updated: [date]”.

4. Independence and Editorial Integrity: We maintain editorial independence and integrity throughout the process of creating content. Our authors and editors can explore any subject they wish to, free from undue bias or influence from advertisers or marketers. In order to uphold honesty with our viewership, sponsored content is clearly marked as such.

5. Conflicts of Interest: We are committed to identifying and resolving any conflicts of interest in order to maintain the reliability of our information. Any financial, personal, or professional affiliations that might affect how we report something are disclosed to our readers. Instead of accepting presents, we steer clear of favors or any other form of remuneration that can taint our objectivity.

6. Transparency: We take pride in being transparent and honest with our readers about our funding sources, affiliations, and editing procedures. It is our viewers’ right to chose the content we post and to be aware of our procedures. We make clear all of the facts about our team, objectives, and potential partnerships or collaborations.

7. Respect for Intellectual Property: We respect the laws governing copyright as well as the intellectual property of others. We correctly credit and obtain permission before using any third-party quotes, images, or references in our publications.

8. Community Engagement: We encourage free discourse and constructive feedback from our readers and the broader community. With comments, social media participation, and (where applicable) reader-contributed content, we encourage dialogue and interaction. We moderate comments in order to keep the environment welcoming and considerate to all attendees.

9. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuing to improve and to being held accountable for our moral conduct. As industry standards and best practices change, we regularly update and review our ethics policy to ensure it remains compliant. All employees receive training and instruction to keep them current on ethical norms and principles.

We aspire to earn and maintain the trust of our readers by providing exceptional material that entertains, educates, and inspires by upholding these ideals. Kindly contact us in case you have any inquiries or concerns about our code of ethics. We are committed to preserving the principles stated in this policy and value your input.