HomeJournalistPopular News Anchor Laura Coates Is Not Pregnant Despite The Rumors

Popular News Anchor Laura Coates Is Not Pregnant Despite The Rumors

Laura Coates will share her insights on the debate performances of Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump.

Laura Coates is an accomplished American attorney and well-known legal analyst.

Before joining CNN in 2016, Laura built an impressive career as a federal prosecutor advocating for civil rights.


  • Laura Coates is not pregnant or has put on any weight in contrast to the recent rumors.
  • She suffered difficulties during the birth of her first child, Adrian ultimately requiring a C-section.
  • The news anchor has been married for 14 years and is the mother of two children.

She has written for major outlets like The Washington Post and the Boston Herald and authored books such as You Have the Right and Just Pursuit.

She is also an adjunct law professor at George Washington University and speaks nationally on civil rights, social justice, and economic empowerment.

Furthermore, in 2023, Coates became CNN’s chief legal analyst, providing clear insights on major legal issues.

Laura Coates Is Not Expecting A Kid Any Time Soon

Laura Coates, age 44, has neither confirmed a pregnancy in 2024 nor acknowledged any related rumors.

However, she is a mother of two, Adrian and Sydney, aged 10 and 9, as of [current year], respectively, with her husband, Dale Gordon.

Her recent social media posts and public appearances do not indicate that she is expecting a baby soon.

Additionally, contrary to the rumors, she has neither gained weight nor experienced any physical changes recently.

Moreover, Coates faced a fair share of struggles during her pregnancy.

The anchor revealed that her first childbirth was a distressing experience that almost took her life.

‘I was scared’

Laura Coates

She battled severe hemorrhaging and needed multiple blood transfusions to pull through.

In a conversation with CNN, the anchor spoke about the challenges of her childbirth experience as a Black woman in America.

She described her intense fear and how she urgently requested a C-section, which was ultimately performed to ensure both her and her baby’s safety.

Laura Coates Is A Devoted Mother To Her Two Kids

As she stated in her interview with People Magazine, Coates is very involved in her children’s lives alongside her husband, Dale Gordon.

She was her daughter’s Girl Scouts troop leader and attended their recitals, often tearing up.

Additionally, she even faced being kicked out of her son’s basketball game for “kindly” telling the referee to “take off his blindfold.”

Every week, Coates visits the school cafeteria to have lunch with them.

“My son now asks, ‘Could you drop lunch off?'” she says. “He’s like the Godfather—’Mom, take the kiss, leave the Chick-fil-A.'”

Laura Coates

The legal analyst enjoys hearing her kids’ conversations and seeing the stories they tell come to life.

She loves the lively, chaotic cafeteria atmosphere and cherishes hearing what her kids think and feel.

Additional Information

  • She was born in Hartford, Connecticut, and is the youngest of three sisters, all lawyers.
  • According to Yahoo, the American attorney has an estimated net worth of $2 million in 2024.
  • Coates lives happily in Washington, D.C., with her husband and two children.
Hema Magar
Hema Magar
Hema Gaha Magar is a budding freelance content writer who loves transforming her knowledge into written words. With a passion for crafting engaging and informative content, Hema brings fresh perspectives to her work.


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