Terms and Conditions

From The22magazine, greetings! These terms and conditions govern how you use our website, products, and services. When you access or use The22 magazine, you agree that these terms and conditions are applicable to you. Please take the time to read them carefully.

  1. Acceptance of Terms:

You agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions as well as by all relevant laws and regulations by using or visiting The22magazine. It is prohibited for you to access or use The22magazine if you disagree with any of these terms.

2. Use License:

The22magazine may be temporarily accessed and used for short-term, non-commercial personal viewing only. With this license, you are not allowed to undertake the following activities as it is a license grant rather than a title transfer:

  • Change or duplicate the content;
  • modifies or duplicates the content; uses the materials for any type of public exhibition, for profit or charity;
  • Try to decompile or reverse engineer any software that you may find in The Moms magazine;
  • Remove all copyright or proprietary notations from the content.
  • The materials are yours to “mirror” on any other server or distribute to a third party.

This license is revocable at any moment by The22magazine, and it will terminate immediately in the event that you violate any of these terms.

3. Copyright Enforcement:

We view violations of copyright as grave offenses. If you think that something on our website that is copyright protected is being used without your permission, you may report it by utilizing the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) procedure.

Please make sure the following information is included when filing a report:

  • Evidence of Ownership: Your signature confirming that you have the authority to report the infringement.
    Locating the Copyrighted Work: Indicate exactly which particular work—if any—you feel is being violated.
    Locating the Illegal Content: Describe in brief the content that you believe violates your copyright.
    Your Information for Communication: We are now able to discuss the claim with you thanks to this.
    Declaration of Sincerity: confirmation that you truly believe the use is prohibited.
    Statement of Truth: a confirmation that the information you have provided is accurate and that you are authorized to make the claim.

If infringement occurs again, the offender party’s access to our website will be terminated.

4. Limitations:

The22magazine and its suppliers shall in no circumstances be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit or due to business interruption) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on The22magazine website, even if The22magazine or an authorized representative of Th22magazine has been informed orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. Because some nations prohibit implied warranty limitations or liability limitations for incidental or consequential damages, these limitations may not apply to you.

5. Revisions and Errata:

The content that appears on the22magazine website may contain photographic, typographical, or technical mistakes. The22magazine disclaims all responsibility for the correctness, comprehensiveness, and timeliness of the information on this website. The information on the22magazine website is subject to change at any time and without previous notice. However, the22magazine does not guarantee substantive updates.

6. Links:

The22magazine has not examined every website that links to its website and is not responsible for the information found on any connected website. Any link offered does not imply that The22magazine approves of the website. When utilizing any such connected website, the user bears all risk.

7.Governing Law:

Any disagreement regarding the 22magazine website shall be governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which The22magazine operates, without regard to that jurisdiction’s conflict of law rules.

8. Modifications to Terms and Conditions:

The22magazine website’s Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time and without notice. By accessing The22magazine, you agree that the most recent version of these terms and conditions will bind you legally.

9. Contact Information:

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at


You acknowledge that you have read and understand these terms and conditions and that using The22magazine binds you.